Rabu, 15 September 2010

Google SEO- Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is a free service that provides a wealth of information directly from Google. Once you have verified a site with Google, they’ll give you access to all sorts of information.
Here are just a few features of Google Webmaster Tools:

1. Errors
Google Webmaster Tools will show all sorts of errors with a site. Not only does it show broken links on the site, but also links that are driving traffic to the site for which there is no valid page. Google even tells you pages it knows about but has been restricted from crawling. That’s good to know incase someone accidently blocks to much.

  Google Webmaster Tools Error Report
Google Webmaster Tools Error Report

2. Set Site Defaults
Tell Google to show your page with the www or without, set a geographic target and select if you want the images show up in Google’s enhanced image search; aka Google Image Labeler.
Google Webmaster Tools Site Defaults
Google Webmaster Tools Site Defaults

3. Analyze Meta Descriptions and Title Tags

Google will provide a list of URLs that have duplicate title tags or duplicate meta descriptions as well as if there are pages with to short, or to long, meta descriptions or titles.
Google Webmaster Tools Analyzing Meta Data
Google Webmaster Tools Analyzing Meta Data

4. Top Search Queries
Ever wondered what people search for that your show up for? Outside of the obvious of course. This type of information is available in Google Webmaster Tools. It shows what a site is showing up for and what people are clicking though on along with your ranking. It can even be filtered by type of search (web, image, mobile) and by country.
Google Webmaster Tools Top Search Queries
Google Webmaster Tools Top Search Queries

5. Manage Sitelinks
If a site is lucky enough to get an additional block of links under their listing in Google, these can be managed in Google Webmaster Tools. You can’t tell Google what pages to add, but you can tell Google not to show a sitelink it has created.
Google Sitelinks
Google Sitelinks

6. Enhance 404 Error Pages
Google can provide a bit of JavaScript that can be embed on a 404 error page so that when it loads, Google will try to guess what the user was looking for based on what Google has indexed. It also comes with a handy Google site search box.
Google Webmaster Tools Enhanced 404 Error Pages
Google Webmaster Tools Enhanced 404 Error Pages
These are just a few of the features of Google Webmaster Tools. Google continues to add additional features and functionality and we can only hope other search engines follow suit.

source:   toprankblog

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Google Instant-end of SEO?

A reporter (we believe he is from AdAge) attended the Google Q & A about Google Instant showed that the new search features tend to support major brands. This is not really surprising, because the brands might be preferred to the most frequently performed searches. After all, the brand has become big because people know them.
Want to learn more and try to Google Instant:


iCrossing has a list of brands that appear when you enter each alphabet letter (not all brands, but also a lot):
  • A for the Amazon (not Apple)
  • B is for Bank of America
  • M to MapQuest (not Microsoft)
  • N to Netflix
  • P for Pandora
  • V for Verizon
  • and Y for Yahoo
You must continue to remember it, that it is a personalized instant results. Google consider things account such as your location and your surfing habits when providing you with the results.

Google Instant NOT ALWAYS make things easier for small businesses, but it shows the great brands in every case where Google may also suggest a big brand. If users do a lot of local search, Google can display the results of the possibility of a more local (including small businesses) for those users, well ... Thus we speculate.

Steve Rubel says that Google's Instant make SEO is not relevant. "Here's what this means, "he said. "No two people will see the same web. Even if a search would do the trick - and everyone saw the same results. That's what makes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) work. Now, with this, everyone will start tweaking their search real-time. The reason for this is a game changer feedback or feedback. When you get feedback, you change your behavior, "he added.

He was not wrong about that, but we're not sure that Google's Instant make SEO is not relevant. Now that Google has been showing different results to different users for some time. This is really just an extension of that.

Business may want to try (and others to try it) to search for keywords that they hope other people will use it to search their site. See what comes up (keep in mind the personalization) and work from there. Easier said than done with hesitation, but it is something to consider. Think about what kind of person who would be interested in your product and what other possible types of searches they do. This is not a science, but again, maybe something worth considering. This could mean your customers know better, who can not be a bad thing too. Maybe that means asking them to take the survey. Maybe not.

Everything is not helping the case of organic SEO in the old debate between SEO vs. PPC. We'll give it Rubel.

Talking about the PPC, Google says that Google's Instant alter impressions count. "Maybe that this feature can increase or decrease the overall level of your impressions, " said Google's - and Friedman. "However, Google Instant ultimately can improve the quality of your clicks since then because it helps the user types demand a more direct link them with the answers they need. "

Trevor Claiborne of Google Analytics team says that the user may see some fluctuation Analytics in AdWords impressions and volume of traffic for organic keywords. "For example, you may find that certain keywords to receive significantly more or fewer impressions moving forward, "he said.

You must read this post on Google Webmaster Central blog. He said that the impressions were measured in three ways: the traditional way, when users click on a link that appears when they start typing, and when the user stops typing, and the results are displayed at least three seconds.

Sidenote: Google's Matt Cutts to consider Google's instant kill about SEO as a whole. "Almost every new change in Google produces the question 'Is X kills SEO? Here is a video I did last year, but still valid, "he said.

He says, but from time to time, it could change the SEO. "The search results will remain the same for a particular query, but the possibility that people will learn to search different from time to time," said Cutts. "For example, I recently observed a congressperson. With Instant Search, that's more noticeable to me that this congressperson has proposed an energy plan, so I refine my search to learn more, and quickly found myself reading the posts on this blog congressperson who have been in to the second page of search results. "

Google Instant Considerations for Search Marketing

Google Instant likely to become increasingly important to search marketing, because not only will roll out to more countries (it began in the United States and a few choice others), but it is coming to mobile and browser search box. Each of these factors will greatly improve how Instant results are often displayed.

Mobile factor actually has implications for Google to maintain a large number of mobile search in general. The better (and faster) for Google to provide results on each type of demand, the less reason users have to go into different applications to obtain certain information.

Google clearly states that the ranking remains the same with Google's instant, but it will change the way people search. This will affect their search behavior, and that search marketers should think more than ever. You should also consider that some people would just turn off the feature, leaving their openness to Google's standard results.

8 Google Instant Tips

Google Instant could be a revolution in Internet navigation. Or it could the 21st Century's Microsoft Clippy. Either way, it's fun to play with. Read on to find out how to get more from the latest from the wizards of Mountain View.

It's localized and personalized. The service weights results in favor of your search history, and searches that are local to you. For example, I live in San Diego, when I type "D" the first search that comes up is the California Department of Motor Vehicles, and "S" gets me "SDG&E," for San Diego Gas & Electric.

Type the Google alphabet. Typing "W" calls up weather as the first result. The whole list for me: Amazon, Bank of America, Craigslist, DMV (California Department of Motor Vehicles), Ebay, Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Ikea, Jeromes (a San Diego chain of furniture stores), Kaiser (for Kaiser Permanente), Lowes (the movie theater chain), MySpace, Netflix, Orbitz, Pandora, quotes, REI (outdoor gear retailer), SDG&E, Target (retailer), USPS (United States Postal Service), Verizon, Weather, Xbox.com, Yahoo, Zillow.
I get the same results whether I'm logged in or not, with private browsing switched on in Firefox, with cookies cleared, and with permission revoked for Google to use my location (which is actually a little disturbing -- why is Google still showing me search results for the local power company and furniture store if it's not supposed to know who or where I am?).

Use keyboard shortcuts. Speed up searches by using the up and down arrows to scroll, tab to complete, right-arrow for "feeling lucky," and "enter" or "escape" to just search on the text you typed.

It's like a command line for the Internet. Combine abbreviations with keyboard shortcuts to navigate even faster. For example, let's say you want to visit Facebook. Enter the letter "f," down-arrow to the first search term, right-arrow to "I'm feeling lucky," and you're on your way. Similarly, for Microsoft.com, type m-i-c, down-arrow twice, right-arrow, and you're there.

Sanitized for your protection. It tries to filter out results that are NSFW (not safe for work). Searches on the F-word, the N-word, and the word "porn" all come up blank. This is to prevent nasty surprises when your boss or darling niece or nephew are looking over your shoulder. You can still search on those words normally.

It's a PR win for Google. Late last month, Yahoo and Microsoft combined their search operations to take on Google. With instant search, Google fights back.

It isn't where it needs to be -- yet. Power-searchers tend to search from the browser search box or Google Toolbar, and Instant isn't available there. It only works on the Google home page.
Saving individual characters typed isn't a big deal on the desktop. Most of us type fast enough. Mobile devices are the places where every single character counts, and Google Instant isn't on those devices either.
Also, Google TV. Typing on TiVo is torture, and I expect it'll be the same for Google TV. It would be a huge win if Instant comes to Google TV, and it's ideally suited for the kinds of searches we do when we search for TV shows and movies, Wired's Tim Carmody notes.

Google Instant won't save any significant amount of time. Google's Marissa Mayer said at the event that the primary benefit of Google Instant is time saved. "Our testing has shown that Google Instant saves the average searcher two to five seconds per search. That may not seem like a lot at first, but it adds up," she said.
No, it doesn't. Time doesn't work that way. Add up a million two- to five-second increments and you still have a million two- to five-second increments. You can blow your nose in that amount of time, but that's about all you'll get done.
Even if Google search is faster, it requires users to learn a whole new way of searching, which will slow them down at least at first.
On the other hand, it's fun to use, so it might be a coup for Google for that reason alone.

source: PC world

How to Use Google Analytics for Beginners


Step 1: Set Up Your Account


  • In order to use Google Analytics, you'll need to set up an account with them. This will provide you with a unique identifier to add to your site. You can only access information about your own site; you will not be allowed access to information for other sites unless the site owner explicitly grants it to you. The only people with access to your information will be yourself, and those you give special permissions to.

  1. Go to the Google Analytics website (Google.com/Analytics).http://www.google.com/analytics/
  2. If you do not have a Google account, click "Sign Up Now," which is located to the left of the sign-in box. This will take you to a page where you can sign up for a Google account.
  3. If you have a Google account already, use your email address and password to sign in.
  4. Click the Sign Up button to continue.
  5. In the next window, provide Google with the URL of the site you wish to analyze.
  6. Give the site an account name that is easy to remember. If you will be tracking multiple sites, this is especially important.
  7. Select the country your site is based in, or the country it is serving. Then select the appropriate time zone.
    • If your site is based in India but all your users are in the U.S., you can either select a U.S. time zone to figure out when in their day most choose to use your site, or you can set it to your city's time zone to see when you need the most workers on staff.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. In the next window, provide your contact information.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. In the next window, read the Google Analytics terms of service. If you agree with them, click the Yes box.
  12. Click Create New Account.
  13. Google will provide you with a block of code. Copy this - you'll need to insert it into your web site. 

Step 2: Insert Google Analytics JavaScript Into Your Pages


  • You must insert the code that Google Analytics provides you with into every page you want tracked. If you have a technical person who takes care of your pages, you can have them add the code for you.

Inserting Google Analytics Code for Most Sites
  • To insert the Google Analytics code, you need to get into the HTML of your page.
  • If you are using a service like WordPress, you'll need to open the footer.php file to place this code.
  1. Find the </body> tag at the very bottom, just above the </html> page.
  2. Do you see the code urchinTracker(), utmLinker(), utmSetTrans(), or utmLinkPost() above the </body> tag? If so, you must paste the Google Analytics Javascript above that code. If not, paste it immediately above the </body> tag.
  3. If you have templates, insert the code into them as well.
  4. Once you have uploaded the pages back to your site, you can begin tracking information.

Some other websites may allow you to add Google Analytics code to their website. You may have to add the code to each individual page, or you may just be required to insert the number code that starts with UA-. Check with the website to see if adding it is acceptable, as well as the proper way to do it for that specific website.


Meta Tags as an Online Marketing Strategy

This tutorial I got from a master But some bloggers that I took. I apologize to the previous speaker that I did not tell in advance in copying this article. but the source of the author has always been my view the article at the bottom of this article.
I thank you for the master blogger prior to the science-knowledge, may be beneficial for all ... amen.
A meta tag is an HTML tag that gives information about the content of a Web page, such as what HTML specifications a Web page follows or description of a Web page's content. A meta tag, however, does not always affect how a Web page is displayed on a browser. For online marketing, the most common uses for meta tags are the keyword, description, and robots exclusion attributes.
One of the most common myths about meta tags is that they are the "secret ingredient" to obtaining optimal search engine rankings. In fact, only some major search engines use meta-tag content for relevancy. Some search engines use meta-tag content when they display the results of a search query. And some search engines (and almost all directories) do not use meta-tag content at all.
The following are tips for writing and coding the most effective meta tags for a Web site:

HTML code for meta-tag description and keywords attributes

The following shows the proper HTML coding for the meta-tag description and keyword attributes:
Meta-tags: description and keywords attribute - image

The meta-tag description attribute

When writing meta-tag content, spend more time writing a good description than writing a keyword list. In terms of online marketing, the description is more important than the keywords list.
Since some major search engines use meta-tag descriptions when displaying the results of a search query, it's important to write a meta-tag description that accomplishes two things:
  1. Helping to obtain a good search engine ranking in the search engines that use meta-tags for relevancy, and

  2. Eliciting a "call-to-action," i.e. encouraging people to click on the link to your Web site.
Many so-called search engine optimization specialists use the list of keywords in the meta-tag description. Not only is this search engine optimization strategy borderline "spam," it is also a poor way of encouraging visitors to click on the link to your site.

  • Using a company name in a meta-tag description

Unless a company has a keyword in its company name, we do not use it in a meta-tag description or we will move it to the end of the description or a keyword list. For example, "inc." really is not a keyword unless the site is Inc. magazine.

  • Using singular and plural words in meta-tags

We have personally found that people tend to type in the plural version of a word more than they type in the singular version of a word in search engine queries. For that reason, we tend to emphasize the plural version of a word in the meta-tags.
When you analyze your site statistics to see which variations of your keywords and keyword phrases people are using to find your Web site, optimize your Web pages for most commonly used keywords.

The meta-tag keywords attribute

When selecting words to place in the meta-tag keywords attribute, you must select keywords that accurately reflect the content of the Web page. If a word appears in your meta-tags that does not appear in your main body content, then your Web page will very likely receive a spam penalty from the search engines, possibly getting your Web site permanently removed from the search engine databases.
When selecting keywords and keyword phrases for this meta-tag attribute, consider the following variations:
  1. Singular vs. plural

    When creating your keywords list, place the version of the keyword that your site visitors use the most at the beginning of your keyword list.

  2. Uppercase vs. lowercase

    Most search engines do not use case sensitivity as an element of their algorithms. Thus, using all versions (all uppercase, all lowercase, initial capitalization) of keywords and keyword phrases is probably a waste of time and can result in a spam penalty for keyword stacking.

    Consider this as well: when people type in words and phrases in a search engine query, they tend to type words very quickly. The quickest way to type in words is not to use any capitalization.

  3. Commas vs. no commas

    It makes no difference to the search engines that use the meta-tag keywords attribute whether or not you use commas or spaces to separate your keywords and keyword phrases. If it is easier for you to view your keyword phrases with commas, then use them. Using commas will not affect your Web page's relevancy.

  4. Misspelled keywords

    Since some keywords are commonly misspelled (such as the word "millennium"), you might want to put a misspelled keyword in your meta-tags. However, if that misspelled word does not appear in your main body text, this strategy is a waste of time. Search engines use both keyword frequency and keyword placement in their algorithms. If you are putting a misspelled keyword in only one place (i.e., your meta-tag keywords attribute), it's not helping your Web page's relevancy because the keyword concentration for that one word is practically non-existent.

HTML code for the meta-tag robots attribute

If you do not wish a search engine spider to index the content of a specific Web page, then you can use the meta-tag robots exclusion attribute to accomplish this. The following shows the proper HTML coding for this meta-tag:
 Meta-tags: robots exclusion attribute - image
Not all search engines will honor this type of meta-tag. They have indicated that you should use the robot.txt file.

The meta-tag revisit attribute

Many people mistakenly believe that they can instruct the search engine spiders to revisit their sites within a specified amount of time. In fact, we often recommend quizzing potential search engine optimization companies on the use of this meta-tag attribute. If they say that this tag works, don't hire them.

The meta-tag refresh attribute

Many Web site designers use the meta-tag refresh attribute as a means of animation. Other sites that have content that needs to be updated in real time, such as a site that displays sports scores or stock prices, might use this attribute.
Unfortunately, most people who use the meta-tag refresh attribute are spammers who want search engines to index one Web page (for relevancy) and to display another Web page. Because of these spammers, the majority of the search engines consider the use of this attribute spam.
So if you want to use animation on your site, it would be best to create an animated gif instead of using this tag. As for the sites that must use this tag for real-time display, it is best to contact the search engine companies directly so that your URL does not receive a spam penalty.


Using meta-tags is not the "secret ingredient" to obtaining optimal search engine rankings. It is one way to help your site be more findable in the search engines.

source: grantasticdesigns

Senin, 13 September 2010

Are You Making Money with Adsense ?

Fact number 1: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense.

Fact number 2: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

These are just some of the "super Adsense earners". You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.

Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?

Writing articles for Adsense is the way to do it. Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain site has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into. No experience and level of education needed. If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra income and still do not know it yet.

This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles is now the latest in marketing buzz. Content and links. When combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a successful web site and richer individuals. Many internet marketing professionals are already aware of the value of an original quality content and how using keywords can drive targeted traffic into their sites from the search engines.

So why don't all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important?

The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. That is why they get the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.

To get into the Adsense marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most internet marketing business owners that wants to make money online and doing it at home.

With the boom in the Adsense market comes the need for sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content. This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their site contents. The result of this is seen in the sites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which, in turn, gets moreAdsense ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.

What do people have to do?

Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your website in the resource box. Then build a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote. Finally, you will have a Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

A win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.

So who else wants to start earning money with Adsense. You. Everyone. Anybody. Internet marketing has many opportunities wide open for this people. Writing articles and using Adsense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash.

Better not be left behind the many making millions already.

Sabtu, 11 September 2010


This tutorial I got from a master But some bloggers that I took. I apologize to the previous speaker that I did not tell in advance in copying this article. but the source of the author has always been my view the article at the bottom of this article.
I thank you for the master blogger prior to the science-knowledge, may be beneficial for all ... amen.

wanna replace the address bar ?There was an icon in the title of the URL ..
if you want to change, please follow the way below:

·         Log into your Blog
·         Click design
·         Click Edit HTML
·         Click the small box Expand Template Widget
·         Please search within your template code </ head>
·         Just before the code, the following script copypaste

<link href='  image URL 'rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

·         Do not forget to replace red color with the URL address of your choice
·         Click Preview to see the results of the changes we have done
·         If you have, click Save Template
·         Completed

Good luck
source: ziliwu.blogspot

Kamis, 09 September 2010


Here are 30 tips to increase blog traffic . Hopefully this article usefull to you, 

1. Register your blog to Search Engines

If this is compulsory. Register your blog every related search engine
primarily Google, Yahoo and MSN to your blog indexed by the engines

2. Write a Continuous Content

In the blog content is primary, so make sure your writing
get more attention and in line with the theme of the blog. If could you
writing quality posts and weighted. Unlike paper
I am an unorganized on this blog, hehe ....:)

3. Blog Templates

Design and layout of the blog also determine whether the visitor will feel at home
linger in your blog or not. Make sure the navigation, color and
elements of the blog is not an error, also avoid broken links (links
damaged). To choose a blog template that closely.

4. Own Domain

This is one of the tips that I can not yet feasible.
Using your own domain name will make your blog look more

5. Meta Keywords

Edit your blog template to give meta-keywords in the title,
keywords and descriptions. This is very useful for SEO.

6. Submit to the Site / Blog Directory

Register your blog every related site / blog directory like
BlogCatalog, topblogarea, topbloglist, etc..

7. Link Exchange

This method is quite popular and frequently used among bloggers. Exchange
links with other blogs that have mainly the same theme will
rapid increase your blog ranking in the eyes of search engines and will
carry traffic.

8. Internal Links

Post your links with one another that have
same topic. If can use relevant anchor text so that the outcome
more leverage for SEO.

9. Sign Up to Social Bookmarking Site

Sign Up to Social Bookmarking Sites like Digg, Reddit or
Stumble Upon and get the plugin to be installed on your blog. If
liked by the readers of your articles so they can submit articles
you to the Site via Social Bookmarking plugin.

10. Dummy Blog

Create new blogs to support your main blog. Give a link to
main blog at these blogs. In addition to getting backlinks to
SEO, expected visitors coming to your blogs dummy
can be introduced into your main blog.

11. Download Free

Create article / templates to download free e-books, software, mp3
or the other. The majority of netters like things that smell

12. Image Tagging

Tagging images is to give the identity / name on the picture or image
in the post. This is useful so that your images indexed by search engines.

13. Classified Ads

It is also to search for backlinks. Advertise your blog on sites
classified ads and give a link to your blog. One of the best is www.kirimiklan.com .Please try and feel the increased traffic to your blog.

14. Comment on Other Blogs

A walk to other blogs and give comments on blogs that primarily
has a theme related to your blog. Dikolom comment
typically provided a place to write down the URL giver comment.

15 Subscribe Feedburner

Use feedburner service for visitors who wish to subscribe
your blog posts via email. This keeps your blog visitors to
always known about your blog updates and pull them back.

16. Latest Gossip

Write something on trends, the latest and hottest gossip or
anything that smells controversial. Make sure the keyword optimization for
the right post, then your blog is potentially crowded
from the Search Engine.

17. Customize Ads

Do not put too many ads on the blog so as not to interfere
your readers. It is also useful to your blog page is not loading

18. Join the Social Networking Site

Join to various social networking sites or social networks and
place your blog link in your profile, bulletins or whatever
possible. A variety of popular social networking world can you follow
such as myspace, facebook, friendster and so forth.

19. Learning SEO

To get traffic from search engines, SEO is absolutely necessary.
Deepen the ability to learn SEO optimized content to blogs
the thenar and has proven his greatness SEO knowledge.

20. Buy Ads

If there are more funds, not hurt you to buy ads on Google
Adwords, AdsenseCamps and so forth. You can bring in traffic
with instant and fast.

21. Join the Forum and Mailing List

Join to various forums and mailing lists related to the theme
and place your blog link / signature in place that allows.
Is the active forum or mailing list and you will get
traffic from fellow members of the forum / mailing list.

22. Create an Award or Awards

Make a banner with the theme award shaped like a " Neno's Blogger
Award "," Blogger Award 2009 "and so forth.Give award
to 10 other blogs that you trust and ask them to give
backlinks to your blog as the giver of the award. And they can also
give the award to 10 other blogs with the same rules.
And so on.

23. Periodic Posts

Schedule your posting regularly so easily in the index by
google and the reader is not confused with the schedule update your blog.

24. Google Maximize

Use google services provided by such maximally
google webmaster tools, google analytic and google alerts for
google index helps facilitate and monitor the progress blog

25. Events / Important Events

Write about the event / events that will last a month
prior to writing indexed by google. When the event
arrive, your blog visitors are looking for potentially noisy information about
event on search engines.

26. Something New

Write something new and rarely raised another blog. Writing your
will more easily enter Search Engine Result Page (SERP) and visible
more original.

27. Posts List

Most popular bloggers to like posting the model list. In addition to more
efficient, posting lists the model more easily understood and simple.

28. Pillar Post

Take the time to write a post pillar. Post pillar is the core of
your blog. Make sure the post to get more attention because the pillar post pillar, which will be used to get the most traffic from your blog.
29. Submit posts to the Article Directory

Submit your posts to article directories like GoArticles,
ArticleBiz, and so forth. In addition to the backlink, your blog also
can quickly famous if you really posting

30. Guest Blog

Offer your post to be published on the blogs of others, especially blogs
a similar theme. Place your link in your post.
Guest Blogs benefits similar to submit postings to article

Good ways to increase traffic on the blog useful for you, especially those just learning the blog like me.